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Sykes Picot Agreement Iraq

Veröffentlicht am 11. November 2022 von 0

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The Sykes-Picot Agreement and Its Impact on Modern Iraq

The Sykes-Picot Agreement, also known as the Asia Minor Agreement, was a secret agreement signed in 1916 between Britain and France to divide the territories of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. The agreement was named after the British and French diplomats who signed it, Sir Mark Sykes and François Georges-Picot, respectively.

The agreement divided the territories of the Ottoman Empire into spheres of influence for France and Britain. According to the agreement, the British would control the areas of Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine, while France would control Syria and Lebanon. The agreement was implemented after World War I when the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and the League of Nations granted mandates to Britain and France to administer these territories.

The Impact of the Sykes-Picot Agreement on Iraq

The Sykes-Picot Agreement played a significant role in shaping the modern Middle East, particularly Iraq. The agreement led to the creation of Iraq as a state and the imposition of a political and administrative system that continues to this day.

Under the British mandate, Iraq was ruled by a monarchy that was heavily influenced by British interests. The Iraqi monarchy was seen as a buffer against the growing influence of the Soviet Union in the region. The British also imposed a system of government that was based on sectarian lines. This system was designed to keep the Sunni minority in power and to prevent the Shia majority from gaining political power.

The effects of the sectarian division on Iraqi society are still felt today. The sectarian nature of the political system in Iraq has led to years of conflict between different groups, with Sunni and Shia communities battling for control of the government.

The British also controlled the Iraqi oil industry, which was a crucial factor in the country`s economic growth. The oil industry was developed and exploited by British companies and was used to fund the British administration of Iraq.

The Legacy of the Sykes-Picot Agreement

The Sykes-Picot Agreement has been widely criticized for its role in shaping the modern Middle East. Many argue that the agreement ignored the cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity of the region and imposed a Western model of government that was unsuitable for the region.

The agreement also created artificial borders that have divided communities and created tensions between different groups. The arbitrary division of the region has led to conflicts and instability that continue to this day.


The Sykes-Picot Agreement was a crucial moment in the history of the Middle East. The agreement had a profound impact on Iraq, shaping the political, economic, and social landscape of the country. The sectarian nature of the political system in Iraq and the imposition of Western-style government have led to years of conflict and instability.

The legacy of the Sykes-Picot Agreement is still felt today. The borders drawn by the agreement have created conflicts and tensions that continue to shape the region`s politics. The agreement serves as a reminder of the dangers of imposing Western models on non-Western societies and the need to consider local contexts and cultural traditions when creating political systems.


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