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Uae Peace Agreement 2020

Veröffentlicht am 3. Dezember 2021 von 0

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently made history by signing a peace agreement with Israel. This agreement is seen as a major step towards peace in the Middle East and has been praised by leaders around the world.

Signed on September 15th, 2020, the peace agreement is known as the UAE-Israel Abraham Accords. It was signed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in a ceremony at the White House in Washington D.C.

The Abraham Accords mark the first time an Arab country has established formal diplomatic relations with Israel since the signing of the Israel-Jordan peace treaty in 1994. This breakthrough agreement signals a new era of cooperation and collaboration between Israel and Arab countries.

The agreement has also been welcomed by the United States, which played a key role in brokering the deal. In a statement, President Donald Trump praised the agreement as a „historic breakthrough“ that would „advance peace in the Middle East region.“

While the UAE-Israel Abraham Accords have been celebrated by many, there are some who remain skeptical about the long-term prospects for peace in the region. Some critics argue that the agreement does not address the core issues that have fueled conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors for decades.

Despite these concerns, most observers agree that the UAE-Israel peace agreement represents a major step forward in efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. It is hoped that this agreement will pave the way for other Arab countries to follow the UAE`s lead and establish diplomatic relations with Israel.

The UAE-Israel Abraham Accords are a significant achievement for the UAE and Israel, as well as for the United States and other supporters of peace in the Middle East. While there is still much work to be done to ensure lasting peace in the region, this agreement is a major milestone that should be celebrated by all who desire a more peaceful and prosperous Middle East.


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